Mathematics Basics Crash Course

The new Mathematics Basics Crash Course provides you with the basic knowledge of mathematics that you may have lost since your school days. In more advanced courses that require basic knowledge of mathematics, we find that a sound foundation in mathematics is often lacking. This course is designed to reinforce these basics.
Above all, the subject matter is developed and consolidated through supervised exercises with only the elemental theory necessary. Understanding why something is done becomes the basis for practical application.
Price from CHF 540.00
(including course materials)
Lessons 16 lessons of 50 minutes each
Duration 4 evenings

Learning objectives

  • You can (re)apply the basics of algebra.
  • You can graph simple mathematical functions and interpret the graphs.
  • You understand the basics of statistics and can apply them.


  • Simple algebra (“calculating with letters”)
  • Setting up and solving equations, linear and quadratic
  • Powers and logarithms
  • Functions with curve discussion; optimisation or extremal calculus
  • Linear and exponential growth
  • Basics of statistics

Target group

Anyone interested in refreshing their basic mathematics knowledge.


Basic knowledge of mathematics from secondary school

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